T02) Creatinine clearance using Jelliffe method

50. Pharmacokinetics 50.2) Plasma concentrations over time 50.2.2) Creatinine clearance

T01: Creatinine Clearance methods Normal 1

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Calculate the creatinine clearance of a 59-year old female patient with 132 lb of weight. The serum creatinine level of the patient is 0.83 mg/dL.

Jelliffe formula:
`CrCl_{m}=(98-0.8×(ag e-20))/(Serum \quad Cr)`

`CrCl_{f}=CrCl_{m} × 0.9`

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lb equals 72.434 mL/min kg

    Body weight =
    132 lb = `(132 \quad lb)×(1 \quad kg)/(2.2 lb) =60 \quad kg`
    This patient is female.
    Plugging values in Jelliffe equation:

    `CrCl_{f}=(98-0.8×(ag e-20))/(Serum \quad Cr)×0.9`

    `∴ CrCl_{f}=(98-0.8×(59-20))/(0.83)×0.9`

    `∴ CrCl_{f}=72.434`

    Thus, the creatinine clearance of this patient is: 72.434 mL/min. (Ans).