Child dose by Cowling's rule

6. Patient-based Dose 6.1) Pediatric dose 6.1.3) Cowling�s rule Child dose based on age Easy 1

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If an adult's dose for a particuler drug is 1000 mg, what would be the dose for a 12 year old child?

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lb equals 541.67 mg kg

Here Adult dose = 1000 mg
Age = 12 year

Cowling's rule for child, based on age:

Child dose ` =(AGE \quad AT \quad NEXT \quad BIRTHDAY \quad )/(24) × ADULT \quad DOSE \quad (mg)`
`\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad = (12+1)/(24) × 1000 \quad mg`
`\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad = 541.67 \quad mg` Ans.