Regimen : MAVC for metastatic transitional cell bladder cancer.

6. Patient-based Dose 6.5) Chemo Dose Clculation 6.5.3) Intravenous dose of MVAC Intravenous dose per cycle of MVAC Normal 1

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Regimen : MAVC for metastatic transitional cell bladder cancer.
Cycle: 28 days, repeat every 28 days for 4-6 cycles

  • Doxorubicin, 30 mg/m2, slow IV push, D 2
  • Vinblastin, 3 mg/m2, IV , D 2,15,22
  • Methotrexate, 30 mg/m2, slow IV push, D 1, 15, 22
  • Cisplatin, 70 mg/m2, IV , D 2
For methotrexate calculate total intravenous dose per cycle for a patient measuring 6 feet 1 inches in height and weighing 390 lb.

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lb equals 271.82 mg kg

  • The patient height
    = 6 feet 1 inches
    = ( 6 × 12 + 1 ) inch
    = 73 inch
    = 73 × 2.54 cm
    = 185.42 cm

  • patient weight
    = 390 lb
    = 390 × 0.454 kg
    = 177.1 kg

  • BSA for the patient is

    BSA `= \quad sqrt(( Height (cm) × Weight (Kg) )/(3600))`

    ` \quad \quad \quad = sqrt(( 185.42 \quad cm × 177.1 \quad Kg )/(3600)) = 3.0202 ` m2

  • For Methotrexate :
    `( 30 \quad mg)/( 1 \quad m^2 )` × 3.0202 m2 × 3 (days of treatment) = 271.818 mg

`\quad \quad` Therefore,
`\quad \quad \quad` 271.82 mg `Ans.`