Penicillin Unit of Activity

7. Activity Unit - based Dose 7.1) Units of Activity 7.1.2) General Activity Dosing General Activity Dosing Normal 1

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Penicillin VK tablets 500 mg
QID for 7 days.
Refill 0.
Dr. Feel Better, MD.

If 250 mg of pencillin v tablet contains 400,000 units of antibiotic activity, then calculate the total units of activity that this patient will receive during the course of treatment.

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lb equals 22,400,000 kg

    • The prescription states QID, which means 4 tablet(s) per day.
    • Total duration of the treatment is 7 days.
    • Number of tablets administered during this period = 7 × 4 = 28;
    • Strength of one tablet = 500 mg.
    • Therefore, Total mg of antibiotic taken during this period = 28 × 500.
    250 mg = 28 × 500 mg
    400,000 unit x

    Therefore, x = 22,400,000